Edmonton's Proposed Cannabis Rules Most Liberal 'in the World,' Say Health Experts

The city may allow people to smoke cannabis in public parks.

Edmonton’s proposed rules around smoking cannabis could be the most liberal “in the world,” executives with Alberta Health Services warned city council Wednesday.

Letting people smoke in public parks means Edmonton would embrace what even Vancouver and The Hague city in the Netherlands are now backing away from, said the delegation of doctors and researchers at council’s community services committee meeting.

No jurisdiction that fully legalized marijuana allows public consumption, including Uruguay, Alaska, Colorado or California, said Kathie Gavin, a member of the AHS provincial cannabis team.

The Hague, where the drug is de-criminalized, brought in a ban on smoking cannabis in 13 public areas starting May 1, citing nuisance and odour concerns, she said. In April, the Vancouver Park Board said it refused to issue a permit for a 4/20 event because smoking is not permitted.

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