Adult-Use Cannabis Legalization Initiative Will Not Appear on Missouri’s 2020 Ballot

The chairman of the committee supporting a push to get the issue in front of voters this fall has said that the campaign is over due to the COVID-19 crisis.

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A campaign to place an adult-use cannabis legalization initiative on Missouri’s 2020 ballot is suspending its efforts due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Dan Viets, chairman of Missourians for a New Approach, told the Springfield News-Leader April 15 that the petition initiative campaign is officially over due to public response to the pandemic, which is prohibiting supporters from gathering signatures.

The campaign had to collect 160,000 valid signatures by early May to get the issue before voters this fall.

RELATED: Coronavirus Could Jeopardize Campaign to Place Cannabis Legalization Initiative on Missouri’s November Ballot: Legalization Watch

Viets told the Springfield News-Leader that the campaign asked the state to allow online signature gathering under the circumstances, but the effort was unsuccessful.

Missourians for a New Approach plans to resume the campaign next year to get the initiative on Missouri’s November 2022 ballot.