Minnesota’s Red Lake Nation Passes Medical Cannabis Referendum

The tribal nation is the first in the state to legalize medical cannabis.

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aleksander kamasi | Adobe Stock

Minnesota’s Red Lake Nation voted May 20 to approve a referendum that legalizes the production, regulation and distribution of medical cannabis, according to a Duluth News Tribune report.

The referendum passed with an overwhelming 80.5% of the vote, the news outlet reported.

The tribal nation is the first in the state to legalize medical cannabis, as well as the first entity in Minnesota to allow the sale of cannabis flower, which is prohibited in the state’s medical cannabis program, Duluth News Tribune reported.

Although it is unclear how the rollout of the program will be handled, who will qualify for medical cannabis and when patients will have access, Kevin Jones Jr., an organizer of the referendum, said depression, chronic pain and opioid addiction will likely be on the list of qualifying conditions, according to the Duluth News Tribune.