New Jersey Governor Appoints Two Members to Commission to Oversee State’s Cannabis Industry

Gov. Phil Murphy has named Dianna Houenou and Jeff Brown to the Cannabis Regulatory Commission.

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demerzel21 | Adobe Stock

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has named two members to the state’s five-member Cannabis Regulatory Commission, which will oversee the state’s medical and newly legal adult-use cannabis industries, according to an report.

Murphy has named Dianna Houenou, associate counsel and senior policy adviser to the governor and former policy counsel for the ACLU-NJ, as the chair of the commission, and Jeff Brown, the current assistant commissioner of the Department of Health who oversees the state’s medical cannabis program, as the executive director of the commission, reported.

New Jersey voters approved adult-use legalization on Election Day, and the commission must be appointed before the program launches, according to the news outlet.

Appointments were expected earlier this year, after the 2019 Jake Honig Compassionate Use Act passed to expand the medical cannabis program and create the commission to oversee it, taking that responsibility from the New Jersey Department of Health, reported.

Murphy is required to appoint three members, and Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin must appoint one member each, according to the news outlet.

Sweeney made the first appointment in March, when he named social worker Krista Nash to the commission.