Ukraine Parliament Advances Medical Cannabis Legalization Draft

Legalization during wartime: Ukraine is now moving fast on medical cannabis at President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's urging.

With 268 out of 405 deputies voting in favor, the Ukrainian parliament has advanced a medical cannabis legalization draft law on first reading. 

A second reading is anticipated soon, and, if lawmakers formally adopt the draft law, it will head to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's desk for a signature. Zelenskyy has signaled support for the plan, going so far as to urge the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament, to fast-track the draft this summer.

According to the Kyiv Independent: "The draft law proposes to license the economic activity of cultivating hemp for medical, industrial, and scientific purposes. It aims to help Ukrainian war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, people with cancer, and other serious diseases to get pain relief and reduce other symptoms."